Your Impact Report
Report for:
Performance Impact
Ecograder Score
Out of 100
Emissions per Pageload
grams of carbon dioxide
This page scores better than 96% of all URLs crawled by Ecograder
Ecograder scores pages based on a variety of performance, efficiency, and user experience factors as well as emissions estimates and green hosting powered by renewable energy.
Page Weight
100UX Design
100Green Hosting
Climate Impact
Digital Carbon Rating
Ecograder's digital carbon rating system gives this URL an “A+” on a scale of A to E.
Page Emissions
0.09 g
Assuming your page gets pageviews, you’re emitting 90.00 gramsof carbon dioxide.
Page Weight
239.03 KB
This page is 160.80% smaller than the average web page.
Scripts and media assets contribute to your page's emissions estimate but they aren't the only factor. The chart below breaks down estimated emissions impact per page view of individual asset types at this URL.
- Images:222.16 KB, 0.0867 g of CO2e
- Scripts:2.92 KB, 0.0011 g of CO2e
- HTML/CSS:13.95 KB, 0.0054 g of CO2e
- Other:0 bytes, 0.0000 g of CO2e
How to Improve Your Site
Use the list below to improve your website and reduce emissions in three key areas: performance, user experience, and green hosting.
Page Weight
By compressing image file size and removing unused items from a page you'll not only reduce emissions but faster-downloading pages make users happier as well. Below are some things you can do to reduce the size of this page.
Optimize Media
Images, video, and animation are often the largest media assets on a page. By optimizing these files, you can decrease load time and reduce emissions.
Efficient Animated Content100 / 100
This page scored 100out of 100 for its use of efficient animated content. Keep up the great work!
Modern Image Formats100 / 100
Nice work! All the images on this page use modern image formats like AVIF and WebP, which are optimized to download quickly across devices and platforms, reducing both emissions and data use.
Click the Details tab to learn more.
Uses Optimized Images100 / 100
Nicely done! All the images on this page are optimized to speed up download times, improve page performance, and reduce emissions.
Additional Resources
Reduce Overall Page Weight
Webpages that use unnecessary scripts, media, or other elements can slow down page performance, frustrate users, and increase both download times and emissions. Make sure you serve fast, lightweight pages to users by removing any unnecessary elements. Learn more about how to do this in the recommendations below.
Unused Javascript100 / 100
Well done! There is no unused JavaScript on this page.
Unused CSS Rules100 / 100
Well done! There are no unused CSS Rules on this page.
Total Byte Weight99 / 100
This page is 233.43 kb. It scored 99out of 100 for page weight. You're doing great, but there's always room to improve. You can potentially still optimize 10items on this page.
Total Byte Weight: Scanned Items
URL | Transfer Size |
---|---| | 33941 | | 32853 | | 30837 | | 25351 | | 19053 | | 16048 | | 16036 | | 14303 | | 7601 |,02-page.css,03-nav-mobile.css,04-nav-deskto...-1db1f19a.css | 7035 |
Additional Resources
Learn how page weight budgets can help you reach sustainability goals
Remove Unused Code
Plugins, widgets, and third-party frameworks often introduce unnecessary code snippets into your page which can adversely impact download speed and performance.
Unminified CSS100 / 100
Well done! All the CSS associated with this page has been optimized. Minifying scripts removes extra characters, improving page download speeds and reducing both data usage and emissions.
Unused CSS Rules100 / 100
We did not detect any unused CSS Rules on this page.
Unminified Javascript100 / 100
Well done! All JavaScript associated with this page has been minified.
Minifying scripts removes extra characters, improving page download speeds and reducing both data usage and emissions.
Duplicated Javascript100 / 100
We did not detect any duplicated JavaScript on this page.
Unused Javascript100 / 100
We did not detect any unused JavaScript on this page.
Legacy Javascript100 / 100
We did not detect any outdated JavaScript scripts on this page.
Uses Text Compression100 / 100
It appears as though this page uses compression to deliver text-based resources. Good work.
Additional Resources
Read more about how to find and remove unused scripts and code
Properly size images
Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time.
Responsive images100 / 100
Nice Job! This page scores 100out of 100 for properly sized images.
Additional Resources
Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles
Remove large, duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity.
Duplicated Javascript100 / 100
Nice job! We didn’t detect any duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles, which means your visitors are receiving an optimized page experience.
Additional Resources
Read why removing javascript makes your website more efficient
Reduce the impact of third party code
Third- party code can significantly impact load performance. Limit the number of redundant third-party providers and try to load third-party code after your page has primarily finished loading.
Third party code100 / 100
Nice job! You limited the number of third-party providers on this page.
Additional Resources
UX Design
Creating an accessible user experience that is free from barriers or intrusions helps people find what they need and accomplish tasks quickly. This is important because end consumer device use can potentially account for up to 52% of a digital product or service's overall emissions. Here are a few recommendations for providing your users with a better experience.
Improve Page Rendering
Studies have shown that users leave pages that don't display content quickly. "Above-the-fold" page content should render on a user's device in 2.5 seconds or less. This is especially crucial in low-bandwidth areas and for users with older devices.
Render Blocking Resources100 / 100
Great job! You have no render blocking scripts or stylesheets on this page.
Largest Contentful Paint100 / 100
Nice work. This page renders quickly for users.
Additional Resources
Learn more about how Core Web Vitals improves user experience
Page Interactions
Pages that respond slowly or don't respond as expected to user interactions—like button clicks, taps, key presses, form inputs, and so on—use more energy and frustrate users. This can be attributed to a number of things, some of which are outlined here.
Cumulative Layout Shift100 / 100
Nice work. This page scored 100 for no detectable page layout shifts. Page elements that shift while a user interacts with them are not only annoying but can potentially waste energy too. This is especially true if a user must redo tasks because of shift-induced mistakes they made.
Offscreen Images100 / 100
Great work. All the images on this page have been lazy loaded.
Max Potential First Input Delay100 / 100
Nice work. We couldn't detect any interaction delays.
Additional Resources
Learn how Google's Core Web Vitals and sustainability go hand-in-hand
Optimize Content for Search
Pages that employ SEO best practices help people more quickly find content, reducing energy used while searching. Search-optimized pages also tend to be more accessible and work across a wider array of devices and platforms. This reduces the amount of energy (and frustration) users expend when barriers exist.
SEO Score100 / 100
Since search is contextual, it is difficult to estimate precisely how much good SEO practices reduce page-based emissions. Google says a single search can power a lightbulb for 17 seconds. However, given the global volume of daily searches, anything you can do to reduce energy expended by helping people more quickly find content is useful.
Additional Resources
Accessible pages tend to work across a wider array of devices and platforms, including assistive technologies used by people with disabilities. Prioritizing accessibility reduces the amount of energy (and frustration) users expend when barriers exist. Plus, it's just the right thing to do.
Accessibility Score100 / 100
An automated crawler like Ecograder can only catch about one-third of total possible accessibility issues on any given page. Plus, emissions estimates related to the ecological impact of accessible content are difficult to quantify. However, truly sustainable solutions are good for people and planet. Because of this, we include web accessibility in Ecograder's scoring algorithm.
Additional Resources
Read more about web content, accessibility, and sustainability
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page.
Long cache100 / 100
Well done! You are using an efficient cache policy on static assets.
Additional Resources
Image elements do not have explicit width and height
Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS.
Unsized images100 / 100
Nice job! Your images have explicit width and height attributes set. This helps to prevent cumulative layout shift, which improves user experience and search rankings.
Additional Resources
Read why setting width and height on images benefits your users
Avoid multiple page redirects
Page redirects cause slower page speeds. Pages are flagged if they have two or more redirects. To prevent this, look at the list of redirects and update links to point directly to each resource’s actual location. This will cut out unnecessary redirecting and reduce load times.
Page redirects100 / 100
Great job. Your page doesn't contain two or more redirects and is optimized for load time based on pointing your resources directly to the actual location.
Additional Resources
Use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as ‘passive’ to improve your page’s scroll performance.
Passive event listeners100 / 100
Great job! Your page does not use "active" touch and wheel event listeners, which can hurt your page's scroll performance.
Additional Resources
Preconnect to required origins
Consider adding ‘preconnect’ or ‘dns-prefetch’ resource hints to establish early connections to important third-party origins.
Preconnect to required origins100 / 100
Sweet! You scored 100out of 100. Your page is set up to establish early connections to important third-party origins, which optimizes your page load speed.
Additional Resources
Learn more about establishing early connections to third-party origins
Reduce Server Requests
Every time your page makes a server request, energy is required to transfer and display data. Reducing the number of requests your pages make can improve performance and reduce emissions.
Total Byte Weight99 / 100
With a score of 99out of 100, your page makes only 10server requests. This score is good but there are some opportunities for improvement. Try to find more opportunities to reduce server requests.
Total Byte Weight: Scanned Items
URL | Transfer Size |
---|---| | 33941 | | 32853 | | 30837 | | 25351 | | 19053 | | 16048 | | 16036 | | 14303 | | 7601 |,02-page.css,03-nav-mobile.css,04-nav-deskto...-1db1f19a.css | 7035 |
Additional Resources
Green Hosting
Choosing a web host that powers its servers with renewable energy can reduce your digital product or service's environmental impact by an estimated 15%. But not all renewable energy is created equal. If possible, choose a hosting partner that directly powers their data centers with renewables versus one that purchases offsets or unbundled renewable energy credits (RECs).
Green Hosting
Powering servers with renewable energy is an important choice to measurably reduce your product or service's environmental impact.
Green Hosting100 / 100
Excellent! It looks like this page uses a web host that powers its servers with renewable energy.
Additional Resources
Find a green web host in The Green Web Foundation's hosting directory
More information on the difference between RECs and renewable energy
Why Should You Care?
In addition to helping you reduce emissions and learn more about your website's environmental impact, the information in this report will also improve your website in the following ways.
Page Weight
100out of 100
Poor- performing websites frustrate users, increase emissions, cost more money, and can influence important marketing metrics, like search engine performance and page conversions.
UX Design
100out of 100
End- user devices significantly contribute to the internet's environmental impact. Good UX design practices reduce energy, improve accessibility, and help users accomplish tasks quickly and easily.
Green Hosting
100out of 100
Where you host your data matters. Find a web host or cloud provider that powers their data centers with 100% renewable energy. This could potentially reduce emissions by up to 30%.
Next Steps
This Ecograder report provides high-level information to start improving your website's environmental impact. To take more meaningful action, consider one of these options.
Share this report with a colleague via email or to a social media feed.